Hi friends and family! We have made it to the middle of the week (woohoo!). There have been so many surreal experiences like snorkeling in Snapshot Reef and seeing the beautiful reef system, finding a nurse shark in Graham’s Harbor (I really hope that film picture comes out), hearing and seeing the surge of the waves during a big thunderstorm last night, and so so much more. However, today was one of, if not the, coolest day we have had so far.
We got the chance to sleep in this morning, and if there’s one thing you should know about me, it’s that I LOVE to sleep in (it’s a specialty). So instead of having to wake up bright and early at 7:00am, I got to blink my eyes open at 10:00am with the pleasure of knowing that I could take my time and get ready for the day.
After a quick stop at the clinic to check on my possible broken toes (seriously, don’t try to do a handstand after a 5-year hiatus), Dr. Leonard-Pingel and I met up with the rest of the class at the Dixon Hill Lighthouse and Lighthouse Caves. The views from the top of the lighthouse were breathtaking. You could see the North and Northeast shore, Storr’s Lake (which we visited earlier this week), and so much interior land and lakes. If I could watch the sun rise or set anywhere on the island, it would be on top of the lighthouse.
After the lighthouse, our group got the chance to take a mini hike to the Lighthouse Caves which were formed by running ground water. These caves had large stalagmites, stalactites, and columns that are thousands of years old! We can infer that the caves were formed when sea levels were high due to the high ceilings and deep ceiling holes. The cave was also filled with water, which we swam through. This water was cold, but when will I ever get the chance to swim in a cave again? We also had underwater flashlights that we used to get through the caves, and there were some creepy holes that you could not pay me to ever go in.
Even though the water was cold and a wee bit creepy, I am so glad that I got this experience. I would definitely swim in a cave again.
This week has been amazing. I’ll see you guys so soon!
This post contributed by Emiley G.
