Earth Science 5242

Exploring the Natural History of the Bahamas is designed as a field course where students will have the opportunity to examine first-hand the geology and natural history of diverse ecosystems on the small Bahamian island of San Salvador, connect with their surroundings during the international field experience, and discover the impact humans have on the island.
This engagement will provide students with a more advanced and in-depth interdisciplinary study of the natural history, including human history, of San Salvador Island. During the course, students will gain a greater appreciation for the complexity of the many ecosystems and environments found on San Salvador Island, including hypersaline lakes, caves, tidal flats, coral reefs, and beaches, and will analyze how human activities impact these environments. As we discuss history of the island, we will also explore the ways that different human cultures, including the ancient Lucayans, British colonists, and modern communities, have valued and used the resources found on San Salvador Island.